An update about the latest environmental payments under the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) was released by Defra on 21 May. Full details of the explanded offer for 2024 can be found on the governement’s website, but here is a useful summary.

First, it’s important to note these new guidelines relate to new agreements. If you have an with an existing agreement, you do not need to change it. However, you do have the option to start an additional agreement or add additional actions to your current agreement

In all instances, the application process remains the same as the current SFI process and the ‘expanded’ number of options will be available where relevant.

Differences and new actions in the expanded offer that caught our eye include:

  • Code Changes: 2023 SFI options have a C added to the beginning actions/options remain similar
  • Herbal Leys: CSAM3 now need to contain 1 grass, 2 legumes, 2 herbs can only receive up to 40KgN/ha – must remain for 3 years
  • Cover Crops: Must be 4 species at least 2 each from 2 of brassicas, legumes, cereals, and grasses (no more than 25% of total mix by weight) and herbs. There are 2 other options paying £163/ha
  • Legume Fallow: CNUM3 This option is expected to remain in situ for 3 years
  • No-till Farming: This excludes Strip Drills and does require specific direct drill equipment, Broadcasting is allowed. If entered into this option the field must be direct drilled for all 3 years
  • Precision Farming: Four actions have been added PRF1 Variable Rate application (£27/ha) PRF2 Camera or remote Sensor herbicide Spraying £43/ha PRF3 Non-mechanical robotic weeding (£101/ha) PRF4 Mechanical robotic weeding (£150/ha)
  • Agroforestry: There are two options AGF1 & AGF2, very low density ( £248/ha) and low density tree planting (£385/ha) These can be stacked with other options such as herbal leys
  • Limited Area Actions: Fourfurther actions have been added to an action or combination of actions that are limited to be used on a maximum of 25% of the Farm
  • Moorland Payments:  Payments on moorlands/uplands have seen the most change as part of this new extended offer. More actions and supplements have been added to create more specific management
  • Boundaries: Options have been added to maintain dry stone walls BND1 (£27 per 100m) and maintaining earth banks or stone-faced hedgebanks BND2 (£11 per 100m). Note if you have management responsibility of both sides, then both sides can be claimed for.

The previous requirement that you were eligible for the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) in either 2022 or 2023 does not apply to the expanded SFI offer. This means that some groups that were not eligible for BPS are now eligible to apply for the expanded SFI offer. This includes new entrants, non-farming land managers, and smallholders.

Those who want to be first to enter into expanded SFI offer will be able to register an expression of interest by completing an online survey. Applicants will then be invited to make a full application in the following weeks.

Finally, a useful note if you were applying for last year’s version of the scheme. The application window closed at midnight on 10 June. But if you have already opened an application, there may still be time to complete it as you have 60 days to submit it from when it was started.

If you would like to know how the expanded SFI offer might work for your business – or if you are a new landowner looking to enter into an agreement for the first time – please get in touch with Alex or Claire. Call us on 01935 852170 or email