AssetSphere were instructed to assume management of a Class Q planning application, which was in progress with Dorset Council. The application was for a site near Gillingham, but had stalled until we stepped in.

AssetSphere were able to advise on the actions required to allow the application to progress, including recommending relevant consultants who could assist with the completion of a structural survey and flood risk assessment (FRA).

The FRA was required as the site was affected by a risk of surface water flooding. In response to the recommendations within the FRA, AssetSphere were able to promptly revise the proposed drawings.

Consequently, with the inclusion of a condition for biodiversity enhancement measures, the proposal was deemed to be acceptable and prior approval was not required.

Does next project need some insightful and experienced planning assistance? For friendly, professional support on all planning and development matters, please call Richard Edge or Mireille Patrick on 01935 852170 or email