AssetSphere have helped secure full planning permission for an outdoor spa and activity facilities at a wellbeing retreat near Bath.

We were instructed to prepare and manage a full planning application, seeking consent for the installation of three hot tubs and a yoga exercise area, on a tiered site with steep topography.

The site is designated within the Cotswolds AONB, the Bath Green Belt, is within the impact risk zone of a SSSI, and situated adjacent to two Grade II listed heritage assets.

AssetSphere worked with an architectural consultant, landscape consultant, ecological consultant and heritage consultant to develop a fully resolved scheme for submission to the council.

Following BANES council’s Local Plan Partial Update, adopted in January 2023, the proposal was required to demonstrate a 10% biodiversity net gain. In this case, it was possible to demonstrate a 38.36% net gain in biodiversity with a proposed native planting seed mix to cover the undeveloped site area.

The application was subject to a Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) and was evaluated constructively and promptly by the planning officer at BANES council, who granted full planning permission.

Combined landscape plan

Combined landscape plan

For friendly, professional assistance with planning and development matters, please call Richard Edge or Mireille Patrick on 01935 852170 or email